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Welcome to my website!  Here's a little bit about me.  Since I was about 3 years old, I was always trying to plunk out tunes I heard from TV shows, movies, and video games on my mom's piano.  My mom, being musically inclined, sang a harmony against everyone else's unison melody at a church service one day.  Little 5-year-old me was super-attracted to the sound of that vocal harmony; that was an early catalyst for sure.  I later took piano lessons, and eventually went to college for music.  I graduated from Indiana University of Pennsylvania in December of 2012 with a Bachelor of Science in Music Education, specializing in piano.  I studied with Niccolo Sartori, Judith Radell, and Henry Wong Doe.  I enjoy a variety of music from Mozart to Metallica to Mario.  I am also proficient at singing, guitar, and bass guitar.  Other instruments I dabble in include ukulele, harmonica, trumpet, trombone, and flute.  I have been in several bands, including "Look Left" and "The Mast Year."

Currently, I'm in a band called "The Rewind."  We play classic rock from the 1970's, 80's, and 90's.  Check out our WEBSITE or our FACEBOOK Page!

I've taught piano lessons since August of 2013.  My approach to music is rather mathematical.  But even so, I'm still very much a kid at heart, and that is able to come out a little when I teach, and I try to make my lessons fun, and not so much like a math problem or a chore.  (That said, my students are still expected to put their best effort forward!)  If I had a nickel for every time I've ever heard someone say that they either had a mean music teacher that deterred them, or that they simply regret not taking lessons earlier in their life, well, I'd have about twenty dollars worth of nickels.

Fun fact: as a young teenager, I developed "perfect pitch."  I can instantly tell if your microwave or your car horn is a B-flat or an F-sharp or whatever.  I've developed and extended that to the point that I can hear notes, chords, progressions, and whole songs once through, and internalize and reproduce them on the spot.

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